Today is all about my favorite superheroes!
There are not that many.There are only 3.
So lets get on with the sugar coated part!

She is a crime fighter with super powers from the planet Krypton.She is posing as an assisant for Cat Grant named Kara Danvers,which is the name of her adopted Family.Along with her adopted sister named Alex Danvers and her adopted mom.Her dad is thought dead by an alien,but he's actually just trapped by a commisioner.Her crime fighting adventure continues as she meets other various superheroes.But this is just the beggining.And this character is played by Melissa Benoist.
2.The Flash

He got his powers by accident,one night when he was struck by lightning from the explosion in STAR labs which was owned by Harrison Wells.His mom died of murder and the murder was excused of his father,which was sent to jail.But now,Barry is striking to have proof that can get his dad out of prison.Meanwhile,Barry lives with Joe and Iris west.
3.Wonder Woman

She is taken as one of the Amazons.But she has the blood of the late Gods coursing through her veighns,as she was created by the Gods to protect the world from the revenging god Erias.While doing so,she falls in love with a soldier who leads her to london,named Steve Trevor before he died.
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