Monday, November 27, 2017

A Funny short playscript

Story 1;Before test

Teacher:Alright class,today is your English exam.
Bully:I am so ready!,I studied all the numbers from 1 to a MILLION!
Teacher :Um,today is the English exam,not Math.
Student A:I actually studied English.
Teacher:Well,now homeroom time is up. it is time for your exam.(Teacher passes the exam)

Story 2:During test

Nerd:...........Super easy.(quietly)
Bully:Ugh,I can't do this.This is way too hard.
Student C:Oh,come on,this is so easy my head might explode of easiness.
Teacher:Be quiet,any questions?
Student B:I am confused with number 5,I can't figure out what the past tense of think is.
Teacher:I am sorry,I can't tell you.

Story 3:After test
Teacher:(Slowly approaches Student B)Well?,how was the test?
Student B:It was very easy but I still could not figure out what the past tense of think is.
Teacher:So what happened?
Student B:I still could not figure it out!I thought and thought and thought and thought and thought,and in the end,I realized that the correct answer, which is the one that I wrote,is THINKED!
Teacher:How NAIVE of you!After everything that I have thought you!And you even said the answer you loud to me!You need remedial.Afterschool,stay in the classroom with bully guy,I forgot his name.
Student B:His name is CHAOS!
Teacher:(looks mad)
Student B:Well,what is it?
Teacher:(While yelling)ZIP UP!


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