Thursday, November 30, 2017

something funny

Read this out loud!

This is this Minion
This is is Minion
This is how Minion
This is to Minion
This is keep Minion
This is an Minion
This is annoying Minion
This is person Minion
This is busy Minion
This is for Minion
This is forty Minion
This is seconds Minion

Now go back and read the third word only from each sentence from the beggining!And it forms the sentence
"This is how to keep an annoying person busy for forty seconds."

Check it out

So adorable!

All about the heroes

Today is all about
my favorite superheroes!
There are not that many.There are only 3.
So lets get on with the sugar coated part!
She is a crime fighter with super powers from the planet Krypton.She is posing as an assisant for Cat Grant named Kara Danvers,which is the name of her adopted Family.Along with her adopted sister named Alex Danvers and her adopted mom.Her dad is thought dead by an alien,but he's actually just trapped by a commisioner.Her crime fighting adventure continues as she meets other various superheroes.But this is just the beggining.And this character is played by Melissa Benoist.
2.The Flash

He got his powers by accident,one night when he was struck by lightning from the explosion in STAR labs which was owned by Harrison Wells.His mom died of murder and the murder was excused of his father,which was sent to jail.But now,Barry is striking to have proof that can get his dad out of prison.Meanwhile,Barry lives with Joe and Iris west.
3.Wonder Woman

She is taken as one of the Amazons.But she has the blood of the late Gods coursing through her veighns,as she was created by the Gods to protect the world from the revenging god Erias.While doing so,she falls in love with a soldier who leads her to london,named Steve Trevor before he died.


Since the olden times,American's have had the tradition that people kiss under the Mistletoe on Christmas.Where the legend started,one of the happier versions of it is that the son of the Goddess Frigg,Baldur ,was killed by his enemy's arrow that was made of Mistletoe.So his mother,Frigg wept tears into the arrow.Overjoyed,she blessed the Mistletoe plant and had promised a kiss to whoever passed beneath it.The ancient's had passed on that very story and until this moment as of today,people all over America take that as a normal Christmas tradition.But they didn't mind how the tradition started.But they will mind how it ends.

A Riddle

When I was 12 years old,My Sister was half my age.I am now 30 years old,How old is my sister?

I know what you are thinking!
Your Sister is 15 years old!...................
That's just wrong.
If when I was 12 my sister was half my age,That means she was 6.So i am 6 years older than her.
So when I am 30 she won't be half my age.................She would be 24!

Monday, November 27, 2017

A Funny short playscript

Story 1;Before test

Teacher:Alright class,today is your English exam.
Bully:I am so ready!,I studied all the numbers from 1 to a MILLION!
Teacher :Um,today is the English exam,not Math.
Student A:I actually studied English.
Teacher:Well,now homeroom time is up. it is time for your exam.(Teacher passes the exam)

Story 2:During test

Nerd:...........Super easy.(quietly)
Bully:Ugh,I can't do this.This is way too hard.
Student C:Oh,come on,this is so easy my head might explode of easiness.
Teacher:Be quiet,any questions?
Student B:I am confused with number 5,I can't figure out what the past tense of think is.
Teacher:I am sorry,I can't tell you.

Story 3:After test
Teacher:(Slowly approaches Student B)Well?,how was the test?
Student B:It was very easy but I still could not figure out what the past tense of think is.
Teacher:So what happened?
Student B:I still could not figure it out!I thought and thought and thought and thought and thought,and in the end,I realized that the correct answer, which is the one that I wrote,is THINKED!
Teacher:How NAIVE of you!After everything that I have thought you!And you even said the answer you loud to me!You need remedial.Afterschool,stay in the classroom with bully guy,I forgot his name.
Student B:His name is CHAOS!
Teacher:(looks mad)
Student B:Well,what is it?
Teacher:(While yelling)ZIP UP!